I live in Tokyo now but most of my friends and family do not. The main idea here is that I can tell these people about interesting things that happen and are seen.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Not Dead Yet

Well, I didn't die at the swimming pool though I was forced to realize that my level of physical fitness is perhaps best described as "abject". However it should be a fun way to exercise and additionally a useful addition to a dude's Apocalypse Skillset so I will go back. How's chlorine in your eyes though? I had forgotten about that shit. Dude... it's chronic.

Flickarz have been quiet lately as my camera doesn't really recharge anymore, though by utilizing massage techniques normally employed only in the relief of acute prostatitis I was able to eke out enough juice for a couple more photos, and those are up now (SPOILER: dead snake in a jar of booze!).

Plus the comic is updated with a pretty basic part 1 of a 2 part thingy (naturally I have broken the site once again in the course of updating it). Keith has sent an email to Lil Jon and you can read it.

Unbelievably, some folks don't know who Lil Jon is - maybe too busy sitting in a darkened room editing the Wikipedia article on cryptography or something. For the benefit of those and others, I submit the following as a crash course in understanding the latest comic... also as evidence that Western society has indeed abandoned any notion of policing the influences to which children are exposed:


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Inter Net is a Magical Resource and It Knows What to Do

I'm gonna go for a swim today in what may be the first instalment of a period of regular exercise. Swimming a proper stroke is a long lapsed skill (maybe last attempted when I was 13 or 14?) so I expect this outing to be somewhat embarassing... I just said to the inter net "okay so how does a dude swim again" so I could maybe get reminded about how much moves to do with my arms and soforth.

Here's what swimmer71holler has to say about the freestyle:

when swimming this stroke you want to pull the water while gliding through the water and when you swim the 50 meters this helps to but don't forget that kick

okay don't forget that kick fellers LET'S GO

( might do a comic today if i don't drown)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

My Fortune, From Kamakura - Found While Packing Up

ILLNESS: If you take care of yourself, you will recover.
PREASURE: You will have your desire fulfilled.
THE PERSON YOU AWAIT: He will comes if you are honest.
LOST ITEM: Looking for the item that you lost.
LAW SUITS: You will win.
QUARREL: You will win.
BUILDING / MOVING: Favorable if you are honest.
MARRIAGE: Will go well.
TRAVEL: Favorable.
LIFE AND DEATH: You will be alive if you are honest.
TOOL: Ink stone, abacus

Stevie Wonder Was Very Excellent My Doggs

Well, the concert was at this place called the Saitama Super Arena, which may give you some indication of its size. We didn't have the best seats exactly, but having seen recent photos of Stevie I was able to work out which barely discernable shape roughly corresponded to his body.

Actually I exaggerate the distance, and the view didn't matter overmuch anyways. He played for about two hours and the set list was better than I dared to hope for. We are talking about 85% real joints to 15% songs that are kinda soft. I thought about doing another pie chart but I think most people know what 85% looks like?

Anyway there was so much realness. Dude's voice seems as supple and beautiful as ever. Though he is kind of fat now, which is awesome, and completely within his mandate. Stevie Wonder has every right to be fat. Why did you bring it up you jerk.

So yeah... I am Stevied up in a big way right now. I'm ready. Do not say some bull crap about Stevie to me. I will slap you and have any novels you may have written banned from school libraries by the Board of Education.


[WOAH the picture was kind of getting more disturbing every time i looked at it so i took it away, sorry]

Thursday, February 15, 2007

oh shit of course

oh yeah and here's the bit from kickboxer where van damme gets wasted and starts dancing

how could i forget

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Since I have foresworn computer games, my idle time is often spent drawing and scheming on how maybe - just maybe - I could make a comic that is pretty decent. Often I want to shout my ideas at the internet, futile though it may be.

However I know from personal experience that it is generally pretty intolerable when a comic creator has a whole bunch to say about every minor detail of his project. To be exposed to such a person, it is like wading through dead leeches or possibly sea cucumbers.

Consequently I have created another blog in which to direct such things - I have just added a bunch of recent sketches that I inked with my new magic pen. Those of you with a perverse desire to witness me punching myself in the testicles for not being exactly like Chris Onstad are welcome to check it out.